Virtual inspections ~ A new way of doing business

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25 Aug 2022

Eligible surveillance food referred for label and visual inspection can now be inspected virtually.

During a virtual inspection an authorised officer from the department connects with an importer (or representative) in real time using Microsoft Teams to conduct the inspection remotely.

These inspections reduce delays, allowing for continuity of supply for food importers (and parties operating on behalf of these importers, such as third-party distribution centres).

To participate, an importer (or representative) should email the department at

The department will then:

  • send you the eligibility checklist for virtual inspections to complete

  • provide you with the Imported Food virtual inspection guidelines.

What food is eligible?

Most surveillance food

What food is NOT eligible?

If food is found non-compliant, the inspection ceases and a physical inspection is required.

If the food is found compliant, consignments are released through the department’s electronic system.

Formulated supplementary sport foods

Food subject to a holding order

Food subject to analytical testing

Risk food

Refer to the department’s website for more information

--Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

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