New Biosecurity Fees and Charges as of 1 July 2023
New Biosecurity Fees and Charges as of 1 July 2023
The department has completed its comprehensive review of the biosecurity cost recovery arrangement. The outcome proposed changes to existing regulatory charging to align fees and charges with the cost to deliver biosecurity and imported food activities.
The review process ensured that prices are set to recover only the minimum efficient costs of delivering the regulatory activities. The new fees and charges are set out in 2023-24 biosecurity cost recovery implementation statement (CRIS).
New fees and charges for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities will commence on 1 July 2023.
Key changes
FID charge (air) – new price $43
FID charge (sea) – new price $63
AEPCOMM entry - new price $20
The pricing table can be found here
Billing after 1 July 2023
In transition to new fees and charges you will notice changes to your invoice. There will be new prices, new codes and in some cases new descriptions. You may also see an old and a new price listed for the same service depending on when the regulatory activities you have been invoiced for were carried out.
Please contact the department at: if you have concerns or need support managing the transition to the new prices.
News Source: IFCBAA newsletter dated 27.06.2023