MUA announces industrial action for Port of Brisbane

"THE MARITIME Union of Australia (MUA) has notified Qube Ports of upcoming protected industrial action that will commence at the Port of Brisbane this Friday (6 December).
The MUA informed the port operator that all members of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) whose employment is covered by the terms of the “Qube Ports Pty Ltd Port of Brisbane Enterprise Agreement 2020” will participate in the work restrictions and stoppages.
Commencing at 0001 on 6 December, the restrictions will be in place for seven days. In a letter to Qube, the MUA stated the industrial action is being taken for the purpose of supporting or advancing claims made in respect of a proposed enterprise agreement.
Just last week, the MUA revealed that it anticipates 10 Australian ports will be engaged in industrial action by Christmas time, the result of the stalled negotiations with the port operator.
Speaking to DCN at that time, a Qube spokesperson stated, “Far from trying to drag negotiations out, Qube has had a generous wage offer on the table as far back as July”.
“It would see stevedores, who are already paid 143% above the award, lock in pay rises of 5 per cent in each of the first two years of new agreements and 4 per cent for each of the two years after that, with backpay to 1 July 2024.
“The union unilaterally rejected that offer and negotiations have gone nowhere because the CFMEU refuses to negotiate on their long list of claims that would more than double Qube Ports’ operating costs.”
The last employment agreement between the two expired in June this year, with the MUA claiming the bargaining process to have been stalled since April.
A list of the restrictions that will be in place at the Port of Brisbane starting 6 December includes;
An 8-hour stoppage from when the vessel ties up at the berth.
Will only work 8-hour shifts.
Will only commence work at 0700, 1500, and 2300.
There will be no shift extensions.
A ban on performance of shift pre-starts.
Will not work during meal breaks or other breaks.
Once the start time is ordered they will not accept any variation to that start time.
Will not accept any call ins outside of allocated shifts.
Will engage in a ban on the performance of Grade 5, 6 and/or 7 upgrade work.
Will only drive up to 15km/h on the wharf for PCC/RoRo ops.
Will not transfer between berths and sites once allocated to work.
Will not use personal phones for work purposes whilst on shift.
Stoppage of work from 2300 to 0700, Commencing 2300 Saturday 7 December to 0700 Sunday 8 December.
1-hour stoppage of work at 0530,1330 and 2130 daily, commencing 0530 Friday 6 December.
1-hour stoppage of work at 0730,1530 and 2330 on Sunday 8 December.
24-hour stoppage commencing 1500 Friday 6 December."
News courtesy of IFCBAA